Product Details

Super Vitamin B Complex

Energy support
Vitamin B

Available sizes
SizeYour price
120 capsules
ex vat £21.22

Super Vitamin B Complex is an advanced and complete B-vitamin supplement. It provides substantial amounts of all eleven B-vitamins, including the co-enzyme forms of vitamins B2 and B6 for enhanced bioavailability, and extra pantothenic acid for adrenal support. Instead of using vitamins derived from allergen-containing plant sources such as yeast or corn, the B vitamins in this formula are synthesised from hydrocarbons, which originate ultimately from living sources, with very low allergy potential.

Why Take Additional B Vitamins In Supplement Form?
The modern diet has for many years been known to provide fewer nutrients than historically mainly due to depletion of soil and farming methods and storage techniques. In addition, modern living also increases stress on the body, and B vitamins can provide some support against this. B Vitamins are involved in the metabolism and use of all three macro nutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. They are involved in building red blood cells, and support the integrity of the nervous system’s protective covering. Perhaps of most relevance of supplemental B vitamins, is the benefit on ENERGY.

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